Stay True to the Game

Victoria Michael
2 min readNov 14, 2023

If 10-year-old you were to look at you today, have you accomplished half of what you said you would?

According to the Urban Dictionary, to be true to the game is “when an individual is serious about his/her daily affairs.”

Every day, we wake up, get up, go out to work, get home, sleep, and continue the cycle. But while you are busy, have you checked if you are effectively making progress?

Many of us start projects, but along the line, life gets in the way. We get so busy with work and family, trying to gather certifications to get that promotion or try to balance family life that we forget our dreams.

The older we get, the busier life gets; creating time for your partner, children, work, local religious groups, social clubs, etc. But do you make time to build yourself along your dream path?

We make up excuses when asked why we haven’t accomplished enough yet. But do you think those are even valid? Eventually, we don’t get anything worthwhile done, no in-depth satisfaction that we went outside our boundaries, just excuses and frustration.

According to Mel Robbins, your dreams are no joke, do not take them for granted. You are worth more than enough. Sometimes, we push ourselves to fulfilling these dreams but get stuck, especially when the returns are not coming in as much as we would love them to.

Just Start …

Have you considered that setting aside 2 minutes a day may be enough time to make substantial progress toward achieving your goals?

In James Clear’s, Atomic Habits, he states that one way to keep yourself going every day is to at least start that thing and do it for 2 minutes each day. Two minutes may not seem much now, but at the end of the year, that would have compounded, and definitely, you would be better than you were the year before.

Every second, we get older, use our time wisely and get to where you have always dreamt to be. Don’t waste this opportunity to get better.


